
Catalyst Celebrates Black History Month 2022

The Catalyst school communities are excited to celebrate Black History Month throughout February! Some of the events scheduled include Black History Month assemblies and a focus on Black Health and Wellness! More information to come in the weeks ahead!
Black History Month 2022 2

Free at-home COVID-19 tests

Hello Catalyst community! 

We hope that you and your families are safe, healthy and doing well! Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests through the website below, and orders usually ship within 7-12 days.


Thank you for all that you bring to our communities and we hope that you are doing well!

COVID resource updates for families December 2021

Hello Catalyst families!

We hope that you are safe, healthy and are doing well! We want to provide resources for families on ways to stay safe while going about our daily lives and celebrating the holidays:

  • Get vaccinated and get a booster. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and by far the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus. It’s also the best way to stop future variants from forming. The more a virus spreads, the more it can change, and the more difficult it can be to contain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19 vaccines can reduce the risk of people spreading COVID-19. When more people are vaccinated, the virus can’t spread as easily, and we will see less transmission and fewer variants. This will lead to healthier and safer communities.
  • Right now, everyone aged five and older can get vaccinated against COVID-19, and everyone aged 18 years and older who is fully vaccinated is eligible to receive a booster shot. If you need a vaccine or booster, make an appointment today through vaccines.gov; chi.gov/covidvax; or a CPS regional COVID-19 vaccine clinic, mobile event, or school-based health center
  • Catalyst will host on-site vaccination days for scholars on December 10, 2022 at Catalyst Maria and December 16, 2022 at Catalyst Circle Rock. 
  • If you are fully vaccinated, you can gather with others who have been fully vaccinated without restrictions. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should consider not attending gatherings over the holidays. If you still plan to do so despite the risks, we encourage you to take a COVID-19 test before and after the gathering, as well as mask and social distance when possible. This is especially important if you are gathering with people outside your immediate circle or with people who are medically fragile.
  • If you are fully vaccinated, you can safely travel for the holidays.Individuals who are not vaccinated should consider delaying travel until fully vaccinated. If you must travel, unvaccinated people should follow the CDPH Travel Advisory guidelines
  • If you are sick or experiencing any COVID- or flu-like symptoms, you should stay home and NOT attend any gatherings, even if you are vaccinated.We understand that missing out on holiday celebrations is disappointing, but you must do your part to ensure the safety of your friends and loved ones during the holidays.

We can reduce the risk of another surge in cases by following these tips, remaining vigilant about your health, and making choices that are considerate of the health of others. We will continue to follow the science regarding COVID-19, and if adjustments to our health and safety protocols are needed, we will provide updates as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, Catalyst will keep in place all the protections we know will help stop the spread of COVID-19, and we urge Catalyst staff and families to get vaccinated and take care to protect their health and the health of our school communities.

Thank you and stay safe this holiday season!

Catalyst Maria teacher Mr. Mark Lenz selected to INCS Teacher Leadership Cohort!

On December 6, 2021, the 2022 INCS Teacher Leadership Cohort (TLC) was announced. The goal of this nine-month fellowship is to equip teachers with the experiences, knowledge and skills to support them in speaking on behalf of their students, schools and themselves.  The voices of teachers are critical for the future of education- INCS started the Teacher Leadership Cohort last year to build the capacity of charter public school teachers to speak out and share their opinions. The TLC aims to support the commitment and drive of teachers by providing leadership development opportunities to help them to amplify their critical voices. Selected to the 2022 cohort is Catalyst Maria sophomore seminar teacher Mr. Mark Lenz! Mr. Lenz joins Catalyst Circle Rock STEM Team Lead and Middle School Math teacher Ms. Donella Austin as a member of the INCS Teacher Leadership Cohorts (2021). Congratulations Mr. Lenz and Ms. Austin for your efforts in this incredibly important arena!

Support Catalyst    

Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.