
Catalyst Schools CLOSED Monday 2/2/15

Due to the continued extreme temperatures forcasted for Monday, February 2, 2015, Catalyst-Circle Rock, Catalyst Howland and Catalyst Maria will be closed to scholars and staff. Please be safe during this weather!

Catalyst receives thousands of books!

Catalyst is extremely grateful to the Wilmette Rotary Club and Mr. Jack Flynn for the donation of thousands of books for our Kindergarten through 12th Grade scholars at our three campuses!   Check out an image below of Catalsyt Circle Rock scholars picking a few titles to read over break!


Catalyst Celebrates the Holidays!

Each Catalyst campus held assemblies this week to celebrate the holiday season, with incredible performances by our AMAZING scholars!  Check out a picture below from Catalyst Maria:


US Congressman Danny Davis visits Catalyst Circle Rock!

Catalyst Circle Rock hosted United States Representative Danny K. Davis today!  This was a great event where Congressman Davis visited with school leaders and was able to tour the incredible instruction that is occurring in CCR classrooms!  Check out the picture below of Congressman Davis and Principal Ms. Mitchell below:


Support Catalyst    

Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.